Channel: Redis Publish Subscribe does not work properly - Stack Overflow
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Redis Publish Subscribe does not work properly


I am not able to get advantage from the pub/sub StackExchange.Redis features. This is my code.

Console application

using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Data;

namespace RedisHashSets
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Prepare Data

            var exampleData = new DataTable();
            exampleData.Columns.Add("session_guid", typeof(String));
            exampleData.Columns.Add("status_code", typeof(String));
            exampleData.Columns.Add("date_open", typeof(DateTime));
            exampleData.Columns.Add("date_expiry", typeof(DateTime));
            exampleData.Columns.Add("extra_id", typeof(long));
            exampleData.Columns.Add("current_real_balance", typeof(Decimal));

            DataRow row = exampleData.NewRow();
            row[0] = Guid.NewGuid();
            row[1] = 1;
            row[2] = DateTime.Now;
            row[3] = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30);
            row[4] = 44567;
            row[5] = 10.34;



            var redisClient = RedisProvider.Instance;
            string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            // Add an Entry
            redisClient.Set(guid, RedisDataMapper.GetHashSet(exampleData)[0]);

            // Modify an Entry
            HashEntry entry = new HashEntry("exrta_id", 338349);
            redisClient.Set(guid, entry);

            // Get an Entry
            HashSet val = redisClient.Get(guid);

            //Invalidate the key
            redisClient.redisPubSub.Publish("InvalidateBalances", guid);

Redis Singletone Client

namespace RedisHashSets
    /// <summary>
    /// Provide access to the Redis capabilites used to store sesion. Used as a Singleton
    /// </summary>
    public class RedisProvider
        #region Private Fields

        private readonly static Lazy<RedisProvider> lazyObj = new Lazy<RedisProvider>(() => new RedisProvider());
        private ConnectionMultiplexer redisClient;
        private IDatabase redisDatabase;
        private IServer currentServer;
        private EndPoint[] endPoints;

        #endregion  Private Fields

        #region Public Fields

        public static RedisProvider Instance { get { return lazyObj.Value; } }
        public ISubscriber redisPubSub;

        public bool IsRedisEnableByConfig { get; set; }

        #endregion Public Fields

        #region Public Methods

        private RedisProvider()
            if (!lazyObj.IsValueCreated)
                var conf = RedisConfig.GetConfiguration();
                if (conf is null)
                    IsRedisEnableByConfig = false;
                    IsRedisEnableByConfig = true;
                    redisClient = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(conf);
                    redisDatabase = redisClient.GetDatabase(0);
                    endPoints = redisClient.GetEndPoints();
                    currentServer = redisClient.GetServer(endPoints.First());


        private void ManageSubscriber()
            redisPubSub = redisClient.GetSubscriber();
            redisPubSub.Subscribe(new RedisChannel("InvalidateBalances", RedisChannel.PatternMode.Pattern), (channel, message) => MessageAction(message));

        private void MessageAction(RedisValue message)
            HashEntry updatedEntry = new HashEntry(HashSet.IsUpdatedFlag, false);
            Set(message, updatedEntry);

        public void Set(string key, HashSet value)
            redisDatabase.HashSet(key, value.Entries);
            Set(key, value.IsUpdated);

        public void Set(string key, HashEntry value)
            redisDatabase.HashSet(key, value.Name, value.Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from Redis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key of the vaule to retrive</param>
        /// <returns>Cast the value and retrurn a strongly typed object</returns>
        public HashSet Get(string key)
            HashEntry[] value = redisDatabase.HashGetAll(key);
            return new HashSet(value.Length) { Entries = value };

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a value is in stored or not expired. Time consuming. Use onky if necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key of the value</param>
        public bool IsInCache(string key)
            return redisDatabase.KeyExists(key);

        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a value from the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key to remove</param>
        public bool Remove(string key)
            return redisDatabase.KeyDelete(key);

        /// <summary>
        /// Return the number of active keys stored inside the redis databaase.
        /// </summary>
        public int GetKeysNumber()
            var retVal = 0;
            retVal = currentServer.Keys().Count();
            return retVal;

        /// <summary>
        /// Return an enumerable of all the Keys.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable<string> GetKeys()
            return currentServer.Keys().Select(k => k.ToString());


When I publish a message, it is not catched by the subscriber. Can you help me?

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